Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How to Remove LINKSCANNER from AVG !!


People who are using latest version of AVG antivirus (AVG 8) , must be knowing the new feature called LINK SCANNER. Basic purpose of it is to scan all the search result of supported internet search engines like google,msn,yahoo! and provide an evaluation of a safety of that found sites.
But here is the catch , when ever we do any type of search on our favorite search engine this scanner scans "ALL" search results for safety of link and so it takes a "little" longer time then usual and hence it makes us feel like internet is little slow which is not the true reason ( because its that link scanner that makes browsing slow!!!) , here I would like to mention that other AV softwares like McAfee and Norton too provide same tool but lots better performance then AVG ( may be it's b'coz they "CHARGE" for their product ??)

So some people like me want to disable that annoying feature of AVG. Well it can be done from its settings , but you have noticed that if we disable it by that way then AVG will keep on showing annoying "Exclamation Icon" at taskbar.. right??

Well here is the way to Disable that scanner permanently !!! ( i found it on some website)

but before that notice that if you have already previously installed AVG then you have to remove it and reinstall it by following steps...

For ease of use download/copy setup file it to "C" drive.

now open menu Start -> Run

and they type , c:\avg_free_stf_*.exe /REMOVE_FEATURE fea_AVG_SafeSurf


The installation will be started, and AVG will be installed without the LinkScanner component.

By the way , for your information guys , there is a controversial statement is made for this LINK SCANNER feature of AVG. It says , it Fakes Traffic to searched sites. Means it uses some part of costly bandwidth just to check reliability of that website and in long term it increases the cost of bandwidth. Well its not concern for general people but still its an issue to be looked upon ( Read More about this issue .)

Need Free Anti-Virus??


Now a days we hear about viruses/malware here 'n there , and it makes us always think about safety of our system. Specially when our all important information is stored on hard-disk and having no protection at all !!!
Here are some of the BEST "free"anti-viruses that are available that I like to use ...

  • AVG Anti-virus free edition :-
AVG Free offers very good and free protection against viruses and spyware. As a bonus, its real-time Link-Scanner technology keeps you from clicking search links to dangerous sites. It’s an excellent choice if you need free protection against both viruses and spyware. But some people may find its LINKSCANNER feature really annoying ,because it makes you feel like you internet connection really slow and also sometimes it takes hell long time for searching internet sites.
It is perhaps the most most most famous free antivirus.

where to get it .... AVG 8 free edition (46Mb)

  • Avira Antivirus Personal Edition :-
AntiVir is relatively popular and you can see why: It's blazing fast, even though it seems to be less than thorough at scanning all the files on the drive. But Avira has at least one terrible feature: Annoying full-screen pop-ups at random intervals advertising Avira's paid software apps. Configuration is about average, and advanced options are available if you dig for them. Overall detection rates look good, making AntiVir a good third choice if the two below don't work for you.

where to get it .... Avira Antivirus Personal (24Mb)

  • Avast! Home edition :-
Want an antivirus that looks like MP3 player ?? Then Avast! is for you. Because it has what you need , an interface just like fancy MP3 player. But i think it makes this antivirus little more complicated to configure "thorough scan". So better be careful when configuring this thing. Overall its very good antivirus against detection of new viruses. Good thing is , new version includes ANTI-SPYWare protection.

where to get it .... Avast! Home (26Mb)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Is Blogging Legal ???


Hey Friends ...

we know that, where ever someone / anyone start blogging about anything, naturally first thing that come in mind is , is it really "Legal" to do blogging about something that is already published by someone or even by government itself ??? As we are amateur and not having any knowledge of laws that prevents us from use of copyrighted material , its quite obvious that we always need someone to provide us information about these all things.

well don't need to panic , b'coz for peoples like us who don't want to violate any kind of law ( or at least want to try !!! ) can have great help from these peoples , its "Electronic Frontier Foundation" . Basically its a non-profit organization that works for "Freedom" in Digital Information world

work of this foundation(EFF) in their own words ,

" From the Internet to the iPod, technologies are transforming our society and empowering us as speakers, citizens, creators, and consumers. When our freedoms in the networked world come under attack, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is the first line of defense. EFF broke new ground when it was founded in 1990 — well before the Internet was on most people's radar — and continues to confront cutting-edge issues defending free speech, privacy, innovation, and consumer rights today. From the beginning, EFF has championed the public interest in every critical battle affecting digital rights."

more information about this foundation is here ...

About ME !!!


"A computer is like an Old Testament god, with a lot of rules and no mercy."

Hey friends !!

I am Gaurang. People who know me personally may be surprised by seeing me here b'coz I am of quite introvert nature. But I was in love of computers and internet from ages , so finally I thought to contribute my part to increase "Cyber Junk"...

Anyways this is my story .... A guy confused from the beginning of his world , what to do and what not to. Came all the way from India to USA just to pursue MS Electrical Eng. with hope of bright future !!! No offense but I think , I was more happy with my old days but that's life .. right ??. So now I'm trying to be in rhythm of life.

Hmm... I am music lover. Sometimes even when i study , i keep my internet radio ON. I like mostly Hip-Hop, RnB, Rock and Hard Rock sometimes. Though I like Mariah Carey lots ( heyyy no questions). I am not linux expert bt i like to "play" with it too ( playing reminds me my past 8 formats coz of it ). I use XP and Vista too. Internet is my life , I find my self suffocating sometimes if i don't have router near me .... I like to play Games on my lappy too (bt i am not intense gamer) ...

During my day 2 day work , I realized that we can find almost anything on internet .. ya ANYTHING !!! ... problem is we must know the way to reach that information and if we are lucky that information is properly organized otherwise again new journey begins. As being Nobel Hearted, it forced me to think to help and share information that I have found via Internet and self study to other people just same like me. Err .. actually its 2nd reason, 1st reason is just curiosity to meet new people around the "blogosphere" ....

And ya .. one more thing ... I am not a writer , so please bare my improper organization of words.

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