Friday, November 21, 2008

WiFi SD !!!


SDs are part of our digital life , we find them in many devices that uses them to store anything ... songs , photos , data for example ... and almost all laptops come with SD card readers which make our life even more easy ( oww.... exclude SONY ... they don't belong here ) ... all we need is to put card in reader and get all the data ...

But how if we can transfer data without even taking out SD card !!! or more briefly ... without even making any physical connection of hardwares !!! well , i guess it will make our life even more easy .. right ??? well there are technologies that can help us for data transformation , for example blue-tooth or Infra RED ... but each has its own limitations , some like .. lower transfer rate or less mobility ... but a yeasterday i found one site ... Eye-Fi ... who claims to sell , SD card equiped with their own WiFi transmission capability !!!! ... now thats something really amazing that we can transfer our data from SD card via WiFi ... according to them , it is secure too because they store all information about on which network the card should transmit on that card it self ... but still i am a little worried about security , i don't want everybody around my house get my girl's pics .. on their network  :P ...

also the cost is way too high .... the cheapest one is about $ 80 for 2 Gigs ... compared to about $ 10/15 for same size !!! ... but still if you are tech savvy ... may be you can afford that price ...

Njoy ...

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