Friday, December 19, 2008

Toad ... for windows !!!


Being the best DBMS software of the world Oracle is the most complex and perhaps the most difficult system to work with ... and i realized that when i took database design course for my fall '08 semester ....

Well one of the reasons why i felt Oracle difficult is may be because of lacking so called "computer science" background of mine , ( still i don't know why , i always loved database compared to programming ) ... but when our professor told us that if we do our final project using Oracle as DBMS , we will get extra credit , i jumped in !!! .... before that i had tried SQL Server 2000 , ( and now its 2008 version is already in market ) so i was a bit of lacking knowledge about complexity of Oracle ...

The main problem i faced with Oracle was , there is no GUI at all !!! ... being windows user that made my life miserable at first because , we just can't move a single step without help of Mr. Mouse !! right ??? and i guess Oracle , doesn't even know what mouse is for !! so it took me a while for getting things done .. another thing that always confused me was after defining tables , how do we know primary key or foreign key of the table ?? , and i still don't know how to do that in Oracle ....

And some day , i came to know this software ... Tool for Application Developer a.k.a TOAD ... actually there are bunch of other software are available just for getting things done with Database development and administration. i found TOAD quite handy tool for my works with Oracle , we can access database directly from TOAD with our Oracle login , and so we can do all the boring command line stuff with fully functional GUI !!! ... it has every thing that we ever need to work with any DBMS , weather its Oracle or SQL server or MYSQL or DB2 or anything ...

Njoy ...


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