Sunday, January 25, 2009

$ 236 million fine for spamming !!!



First of all , before digging much deep we need to understand what is spamming …. well standard definition of Spam is the abuse of electronic messaging systems to indiscriminately send unsolicited bulk messages , in terms of computer terminology of course … Spam is the same thing many times. It originally appeared as a term to describe EMP (Excessive Multi Posting) and ECP (Excessive Cross Posting) on USENET. It is also used to describe UBE (Unsolicited Bulk E-mail) and UCE (Unsolicited Commercial E-mail)…

The term spam is said to come from a Monty Python skit from the second series of Monty Python's Flying Circus. In this skit, Vikings sing a chorus about spam while a woman tries to get something to eat that doesn't contain spam. Much like our attempts to limit the amount of UBE that comes into our mailboxes, she was unsuccessful in getting a meal that doesn't contain spam…

then you will ask , What is wrong with mass mailing ? right ?? well simple explanation to this question is … the Internet was set up so people could exchange information. Commercial use of the 'net' was frowned upon. In the last few years, the use was expanded by the World Wide Web to include commercial uses. The Web does not force you to receive Web advertisements; you choose what Web sites you care to visit. Spammers feel it is their right to send advertisements you don't want. They impose upon your rights to receive what you want. The constant barrage of unwanted, and sometimes offensive, advertisements is objectionable to many families that use the net. On the practical side, spam, a form of net abuse, costs you, the user. The problem with spam is that you pay for it. Whenever a spammer sends his e-mail to you, your ISP has to store the junk on the server until you download it. Also,the Internet is International. All countries of the world do not have unlimited access to the Internet either with their phone systems, or their service provider. Many countries' phone systems charge by the minute. In the US, there are some areas that charge this way also. When a spammer sends his message to those without unmetered service they pay to download it.

So , by all manner , SPAMMING is bad thing and illegal by law too …

Recently , a US couple who sent vast quantities of spam via a small ISP for around four months in 2003 have been fined a whacking $236 million.

According to the IDG newswire, Perez and Suzanne Bartok used a bulk emailing package to send millions of spammed messages to CIS Internet Services in Iowa.
The small ISP said it had to dedicate three servers to blocking the couple's spam, which amounted to an astonishing 500 million emails every day for around four months in 2003.

"There were millions of e-mails being delivered to us for each spam campaign to users that didn't exist on our servers,"
said the ISP's big cheese in an interview.
Interestingly, CIS is reported to have won judgments against 10 spammers to date, and other ISPs are watching with interest.
The bad news is that the Bartok's assets probably don't come anywhere near $236 million, so the lawsuit seems to have been academic...

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