Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Internet Web has been finally connected !!!


It sounds a bit weird right ?? … but if you are into heavy internet use then you must have always felt that there is something missing in internet … still internet is not convenient … still doesn’t have all-in-one web service … right ??

For example , You’re writing an email to invite a friend to meet at a local San Francisco restaurant that neither of you has been to. You’d like to include a map. Today, this involves the disjointed tasks of message composition on a web-mail service, mapping the address on a map site, searching for reviews on the restaurant on a search engine, and finally copying all links into the message being composed. This familiar sequence is an awful lot of clicking, typing, searching, copying, and pasting in order to do a very simple task. And you haven’t even really sent a map or useful reviews—only links to them. This kind of clunky, time-consuming interaction is common on the Web, because there’s no easy way other than copy-and-paste to get your data between one web-application and another. Its kind of advanced Mashup , a web 2 replacement of Portal .. right ???

Ubiquity for Firefox from Aza Raskin on Vimeo.

I found something amazing research is going on at Mozilla Labs , they call it , Ubiquity … an application / add-on to firefox that will connect and allow users to use many different web services and combine them together !!! its still in beta phase , but it really looks promising to me … smile_tongue ( i am not critic , so please don’t consider my words seriously ) … Mozilla Labs define ubiquity as ,

  • Make it extremely easy to Extend browser functionality, and share new functionality with other users.
  • Enable on-demand, user-generated mashups with existing open Web APIs. (In other words, allowing everyone–not just Web developers–to remix the Web so it fits their needs, no matter what page they are on, or what they are doing.)
  • Empower users to control the web browser using a natural-language-like command interface. (With search, users type what they want to find. With Ubiquity, they type what they want to do.)
  • Use Trust networks and social constructs to balance security with ease of extensibility.

but i should say , it requires a bit of advance computer knowledge , because to perform any task you are required to write down certain commands which you have to remember smile_zipit

Njoy …


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