Friday, June 5, 2009

All new UBUNTU 9.04 ....


Well , its not so new ... it has been about two months since the release of Ubuntu 9.04 aka Jaunty Jackalope ... being perhaps the easiest version of so called OS of Geeks , its even very easy for noob like me ... so i have been using this from past couple of years ... and i must say that i learned lot from it ...

Origianlly i involved in learning Ubuntu was because I found that , linux / unix is home of devil ... the dark forces are very strong in this side of computing ... ( :D starwars ?? ) ... and being easy to use , ubuntu still holds power of mighty linux ...

actually i wanted to install this at time when i had downloaded (which happens to be about 2 months before) , but due to volatile experiments with my HDD ... i wasn't able to use it for long time at that time ...

Here are couple of things that i liked in new version ...

New Themes ... now Ubuntu looks even more sexy then its previous versions without any makeup :D ..

Newer Kernel ... Under the surface, Jaunty sports the 2.6.28 Linux kernel, the latest stable release ( is the latest stable kernel as of 7 April). While most of the new features in the kernel are of little consequence to most desktop users, changes most likely to affect the desktop include a more feature-rich wireless stack with support for a broader range of devices, which will be a welcome improvement among users who previously had to install wireless drivers manually.

New Gnome ... Ubuntu 9.04 comes with Gnome 2.26 desktop environment , which, unsurprisingly, is responsible for the lion’s share of new features useful to desktop users.

One thing that i liked the most is , now i don't need to install / patch my atheros wifi drivers with madwifi ... because they are available as built-in !!! just look at the screenshot ...

and another useful tool is , no more use of command line to remove unused packages from system !!!

Well , I'm not an expert to review anything ... these are just couple of features i like of reincarnation of my beloved OS ...

Njoy ...


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