Tuesday, June 30, 2009

New Firefox knows where you live !!!



The all new Firefox v. 3.5 is finally out for download … with lots of new features and enhancements … but the feature i am talking about is … embedded Google technology called .. Geo-location … so , now new firefox browser can know your geographical location from your IP !!! …

I don’t know about others out there , but for me , i sure don’t like this feature .. ( i am not paranoid about my identification but still i don’t like this feature ) … so , i do very little reading about it … and found that its easy to disable this feature ( lucky for me that i am not alone to think this feature is invasion on privacy just same like google do every time we use google search  or any of its services ) …

to disable this feature … just type …


in browser address bar … and it will show warning page indicating that , now firefox warranty will expire if we change this options !!! ( i never had any idea that softwares DO COME with warranty ) … just say OK … and in FILTER … just type GEO , it will list all strings starts with GEO … just locate ..


.. and make it FALSE …



and you are done with it …


enjoy …


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