Wednesday, September 24, 2008

MEWU - Scene 6 ... Want to replace FireFox ??


Well , like you all know , FF is default browser in Ubuntu ... No doubt FF is da best in performance then any other browsers .... ( mostly !!! ) ... But still , its not "catchy" !!! .... yup , its very true ... There are many many other substitutes available for Ubuntu and linux itself .... but all are same dull like FF ... But there is one eye candy browser exists for linux which makes me think twice ... its one and only ... FLOCK ... the social browser !!!

I think , people who are using internet , might be knowing already about this browser , actually its lot more then simple browser , just imagine netscape nevigator with look of chrome !!! .. ( err , i think netscape nevigator is almost obsolate now , but i still remember using that all in one browser which had ability to play a role of web browser to mail manager !!! .. it was late years of millenium , ahh beautiful old days ) ... gasp ... anyways , here we are talking about this new shiney browser ... with its help you can also do things like writing blogs offline and then upload em on supported services of flock ... i mean , all web 2.0 stuffs !!!

Unfortunately they haven't got any .DEB package for flock yet ... so there is not direct way to install it in Debian Systems like Ubuntu ... but there are "ways" for getting things done !!!

  1. Download Flock 2 and select “Save File” to store it on your Desktop.
  2. Open a terminal and run: sudo tar -C /opt -xzvf Desktop/flock-*.tar.gz
  3. Create a link to the new browser within your PATH: sudo ln -s /opt/flock/flock /usr/bin/flock-browser
  4. copy the following into a new file by command , sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/flock.desktop

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Flock Web Browser

You should now have a new entry in your Applications menu called “Flock Web Browser” (your menu may need to refresh first). You can also launch the browser from the terminal using the command:


If Anytime there is a Flock Browser update you should be able to safely repeat steps 1 and 2 and you’re set.

Njoy ....


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