Tuesday, September 2, 2008

New browser from Google !!!


I am not surprised when i see this browser from google ... they call her "Chrome" ... its really looks cool , and perhaps it look more beautiful then IE7 for Vista ,because of no borders like IE or FF !! ...  take a look at screenshot , all boarders are transparent and minimum numbers of buttons ... and that "Google" symbol on top right corner makes me feel more powerful !!!  ( ... err sounds like badly written dialogue script for some evil character , hehehehe )  ...

Like every google apps , its ultra light and super smooth in functioning ... i am not sure , but i slightly feel like , its flying when i surf .. ( ya.. i really "feel" that searching and browsing speed has been increased a little !!! ) ... another feature is multiple homepages , ( we have that inPOGO too so its not a new thing ) ... the punch line is , there is no seach box in it !!! , you can simply search by typing in address bar itself  .... awesome ... it is the feature that i have been dreaming since i start using google search bar , because its really tiresome to go to seach box everytime when you want to search on internet ...  

But now its only for XP and Vista .... and bad news for FF is that , this girl is in limelight now ... download rate of this browers have been reached at rate more then FF and other browsers !!! But i don't understand only one thing ... why google keep their almost every product in BETA form ??? 

anyways .... be sure to take a look at her ...

njoy ...


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