Sunday, September 21, 2008

(Un)Official Chrome for Linux !!!


well ... its too unfortunate that they haven't got it for linux yet .... because like you might be knowing that any application uses some native files of OS to run application so , "generally" program designed for one platform doesn't work for another OS platform !!! ( .. why generally?? , well because some application are designed to not to use native files so they may run independently ... ) ... but google guys have been found talking about developement of chrome for linux and mac .... till then we have to wait for " official " release !!!

But some guys of codewavers .... designed an open source project called "Chromium" ... their aim ?? .. obviously to develope a web browser that have a "look" and "feel" and "performance" of chrome !!! but for linux and mac .... Actually , this is not a native port of chrome for linux, but a package installer to be used with wine embedded. Also, this is nowhere close to being as stable as it is under windows and as rightfully pointed out by the developers; this is essentially a proof of concept to show Wine’s capabilities of running native windows application. Packages are available for debian and RPM based linux systems; Mac OS build is also available.

Here are the couple of shots from official site ....

njoy ...


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