Thursday, October 16, 2008

Cloud Computing ..... future of Computing !!!


The Cloud ... refers to Internet itself ... and so Cloud Computing means , computing with help of internet itself ... The roots of cloud computing is lying near early 90s ... where they first ever thought that internet can be used to provide various services !!! ( at that time it was used to run ATMs ) ...

But people dared to go beyond it and tried to visualize the world where all the applications run via internet .. even operating system's basic functions too !! , just Imagine you are playing free cell on internet !!! well .. its quite possible ... at present the Cloud computing offers various services like .. Web 2.0 applications ... software as a service ... tried google apps ??? ... no application installed on system ... all software and data are stored on server !!!

It has been said that Microsoft and some other companies are working to develop very first OS that is based on Cloud Computing ... who know ... may be after a year or a two .. we might be using it !!!

Cloud computing is getting fame at present time ... because of couple of unbeatable features that no one else can offer .... features like ... its very cheap to use ... device and location independence ... scalability ... but still there are some features that need to gain confidence of users like ... less security ... how can you feel secure about your data stored online rather then on your hard driver ?? ... and unreliability ... what if the application server goes down ?? or if you have insufficient bandwidth ?? ...

But the basic and main requirement of cloud computing is ... guess what ??? ..... ya .. its High speed internet ... right ?? and bad news is the total percentage of internet uses are about nealy 21% ... and even worse is , all these 21% aren't using high speed internet like DSL or Cable ... high number of people are still using DialUp .. i guess its pretty slow for cloud computing ... and i think it is the only reason whey cloud computing is not much popular ....


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