Thursday, October 9, 2008

List the Folders ...


Sometimes , when i have lots of files under one folder and i want to just get the name of all files ... Or in another case , i have an external HDD of massive 750Gigs ... and i simply want to list all the folders and subfolders and files in it ... just imagine you are big fan of RnB and have big collection and you want to make cataloge of it ??? .... then it is really pain in a$$ to first read name and then type in text editor ... and it takes hell lot time too .. right ??

Well , for me , it was just a few mouse clicks ... with help of this junk ... Print Folders .... it simply prints all files / folders / sub folders ( or any of them ) to simple text file .. or a html file ... so we can save it too and read / review it later !!! ...

This tool is pretty handy when you have massive number of files !!!

Njoy ....


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