Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Surf Anonymously !!!


In present time , its really easy for anyone to get someone else' identity on internet , even you IP can reveal you geographical location or worse , your identity !!! Like , we know , any computer on internet is identified by its IP address , and hence all websites use this numbers to identify users ... But with just that information of IP number , wrong guys can make your life hell !!!

Or consider another scenario ... suppose some sites like facebook or myspace are restricted to access from your place !!! .. ( its very common .. right ?? ) ... in that case what you can do ??

For this , we can use PROXY sites .... from webster's dictionary .... Proxy means ...

the agency, function, or office of a deputy who acts as a substitute for another.

authority, power to act for another

a person authorized to work for another

computers have not actual meaning of it ... but you can think it same as above definition ..Well , there are many proxy sites are available on internet ... some are free some are not ... but some works excellent ... These sites don't send any information about user to main server and hence it bypasses restricted web access !!! From the view of end server , it just see the server of proxy site , and hence user can remain hidden .... ( hmm ... isn't technology wonderful ?? ) ... But though proxy sites keep you surfing completely anonymous ... it stores / logs all user activities with their real IPs ... and so , if you are doing something really wrong , then it may be possible that you can be tracked back from it !!! ... ( i guess , if someone is for dirty work .. then s/he , must be knowing other ways, they would never go for this junk ... right ?? )

anyways ... in general ... proxies can be used to just surf anonymously or to bypass internet restrictions ....

Njoy ...


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