Thursday, October 2, 2008

What is "ClickJacking" ??


"Click Jacking" ..... well , it means almost same to the word it resembles .... Hijacking ...

It is couple of the flaws discovered by researchers , would enable an attacker to make a user click on a virtually invisible, or only briefly visible, link instead of a legitimate one. This kind of weakness would be a goldmine for phishers and could provide a springboard for a host of other attacks. And for this each site needed to be updated but its almost impossible, to guys who have found it contacted vendors of browsers to fix it up ... people says , its been age old vulnerability of browsers but just under-appreciated and now came up with more serious problems ...

But , the details of this vulnerability hasn't been disclosed publicly just to give time to companies to fix this problem and not to give spammers and hackers an open ground ...

njoy ....


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