Thursday, August 14, 2008

Antivirus is a Virus ??


" I brought car from a guy called Bill , I opened all windows of it and it got crashed "

What if an Antivirus it self is a Virus in disguise ?? we never know ..right ??

Here is my story ... last week , i got infection from this virus .. it was called " Antivirus XP 2008 " .. as i have said , internet is my life .. so sometimes i become somewhat "trigger happy" and start clicking where i should not click ... and in that chaos ...i got this virus .. err .. i really don't remember from which site ... It infacted my IE 7 .... So when ever i start it , some popup opens for ad of an AV product named "antivirus xp 2008" , and it shows like it is scanning my HDD from its web page !!! ... well i am not saying i am computer savvy ... but still know some basics .. so i know that its fake .. so i did not respond to that page and just closed it ... but later on I realised that I have got +ve test ... because my AVG caught 1 virus in scan ... and then i removed it .. but i think that virus liked my little HDD , so when ever i scan , i find that virus present there again and again even after my AV shows its "successfully"removed ... another problem was when ever i start my IE , it popups that "antivirus xp 2008" ad and want me to download that so called AV ... then i tried to figure out which unknown files are tring to run via task manager and i found couple of suspecious files .. i somehow removed them so finally when i scaned last time , my AV showed no virus .. (phew... ) .. but still i was having that popups problem with IE .. I don't know why it didn't even touched my firefox or pogo browsers .... ( hmm.. actually its one of the reasons why i feel more safe when i surf with FF3 !!!) ...

With some "googleing" , i find this information about that so called "antivirus xp 2008" ...

" Antivirus 2008 is difficult to detect and remove. Antivirus 2008 is not likely to be removed through a convenient "uninstall" feature. Antivirus 2008, as well as other spyware, can re-install itself even after it appears to have been removed. There are many ways your computer could get infected with Antivirus 2008. Antivirus 2008 can come bundled with shareware or other downloadable software. Another method of distributing Antivirus 2008 involves tricking you by displaying deceptive pop-up ads that may appear as regular Windows notifications with links which look like buttons reading Yes and No. No matter which "button" that you click on, a download starts, installing Antivirus 2008 on your system. Antivirus 2008 installs on your computer through a trojan and may infect your system without your knowledge or consent. And once you install it , it will give you popups to get "maximum" protection by upgrading and purchasing that AV !!!"

almost each and every security site have mentioned this virus ...

Normally all AV will detect it but even after they remove all virus .. there are still some left overs ( atleat i faced those .. ) .. like still having popups ... well , finally some guys are managed to get rid of this virus completely ... its .. AV named .. malware bytes ... ( gasp ... how AV companies always find solution of viruses just after virus is detected ... they are really hard working people .. right ?? ... do you smell fishey ??) .... err.. better you download it , just in case you too get hit by this so called "AntiVirus Xp 2008" ..

anyways ... better be carefull ... and don't be trigger happy like me ...

njoy ...


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