Friday, August 29, 2008

My Experiments With UbuntU ... The Beginning ... Make Dual Boot with Vista !!


Well, from today , i am gonna write about my "experiments" with my linux OS Ubuntu .... And as a beginning i will show how to install ubuntu with vista as a dual boot system , obviously vista is already running of my lappy ...

So, story starts from here ... you need to gather your crew ... err.. actually its only member required ... the Ubuntu ... the latest version is 8.04 LTS .. AKA ... "Hardy Heron" ... so first download it from here ... and burn a CD .. of if you have already ordered it like me , then you are all set... and also don't forget to make some free space from windows , with help of "disk management" located in computer management of administrative tools ... just right click on drive that you want shrink .. and make some free space that you want for linux ( i have kept 20Gigs ) , but do not format it .. it must be left as unformatted and unpartitioned space .. and also it must be continuous space ... this is it ..

Next , restart computer and boot with CD .. ( ow ... ya, they call it LIVE CD , because incase if you don't want to install it and want to work on it .. you can do it with just help of this CD !!! being windows users , it is little "shocking" right ??? ) anyways ... as you will boot ... it will tell you to choose your language ( or english will be selected by default after some time period ) .. and select to install ubuntu ... now when it ask for place to install, select GUIDED - USE LARGEST FREE CONTINUOUS SPACE ... and so it will install itself to place that we kept free and unformated .. ( remember that ??? ) ... well like any Unix/Linux OS , it need to have "SWAP" partition too , which is basically same like "page Files" / "virtual memory" in windows ... a virtual RAM ... but it will be done automatically , so don't need to worry for it ... also , if you like you can import your documents and settings of your other OS ( win Vista ) into ubuntu too .. during installation it will prompt for that , just select user that you want to import and it will import it !!! ... after gathering all information , i think it finishesh installation in about 30 mins .. when it prompt to reboot and so reboot it and when you reboot , you will see a boot loader "grub" , just select the OS that you want to run .. ubuntu or vista ..

this is it ...

err... i thought i could put some screenshots here , but how can we take screeshots while OS itself being installed ?? for that we need another computer right ?? so i wasn't able to take screenshots .. but i think, its very easy to install ubuntu with another OS , if you have experience with installation of any OS ... only part hard to understand is how to make continuous free unformated space from existing OS .. rest is just clicking "next" at which "windows" users are expert ... right ???

hope it works for you all ...

best luck ...


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