Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Need to Protect "personal" files ??


Do you ever felt that , you want to hide something in computer from someone and just wish that, that person don't find out what you are hiding !!! In this case windows ( specifically XP ) doesn't have much to help about ... right ??
Then this software is just for you !!! Checkout awesome features of this "thing" , i am sure that you will be glad to have it in your pocket ... errr .... i mean in your computer...

Main features:

-encrypting files and folders using the Blowfish algorithm;
-decrypting files and folders;
-files and folders compression before encryption;
-creating self-extracting encrypted files;
-removing files and folders completely and permanently, this is called “wiping”;
-support for large files (4Gb and more);
-Windows Explorer popup menu integration;
-install the program to Removable Device such as a USB memory stick;
-File Encryption XP has a built-in customizable password generator;
-works on any removable media (under any Windows operating system);
-logs all operations to a file;
-automatically finds and groups encrypted files;
-no software backdoors into the program or files;
-no unencrypted temporary files ever created;
-memory blocks are cleared when no longer needed.

Additional features :-

-all user settings are automatically saved;
-a choice of skins (Office XP, Office 2003 and Windows XP themes);
-context-sensitive help;
-the entire interface can be customized to your own requirements;
-active accessibility support.

Get it here ....


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