Friday, August 15, 2008

They know what you do online !!!


Well , for guy like me , who live on internet ... its a little scary to hear that .. where ever you search or anything you do, these IT giants keep track of it .... and can use that "information" for business ... Well , it has be well know fact that google use , user search information for their text based advertisement ...
( did you ever wonder , why there is always advertisement present in your google search or gmail according to your search or some email !!! ... its all because they keep "track" of user activities ...

Last month , House Committee on Engery and Commerce , sent about 37 letters to ISP and Portal providers to find out if they were tracking "activities" of users online and disclosed this to their customoers !!! it includes , major serach providers like google, yahoo , mircosoft , AOL !!! and some of said that , they track web user activities ???

read more here on this place .... it has e-copy of filed answers of these companies too ... have a look , its really surprising ....

njoy ..


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