Saturday, August 16, 2008

Offline Wikipedia !!!


Wikipedia , if you have not heard this name then you must be that guy from the planet of the apes !!! Because , wikipedia is perhaps said to be the most biggest source of "any" information available on internet in so many langugaes ... i think its sooooo big becuase of the fact that any registered user can edit it and have his/her openion / review / edit on any topic , so we can find almost all things on wikipedia ..

Well , have you ever imagined like me , that how good it would be if we can browse wikipedia offline and don't want to have DVD from them !!! well , it will be good more if you still use dial-up ( though its an old age technology , still 1000 and 1000s of people use it ... right ?? ) .... So, good people working at wikipedia , recently released new software "Wiki Taxi" .... which allows user to browse offline data once you download their library ( coooooool !!! ) .... But here is the catch , err .. this database is going to be of some Gbs ....(huh !!! ) ... wikipedia has tried to keep it as small as possible and according to them it can fit in to "little" 8Gigs of usb drive ( it's small ??? ) ...

Well , I am sure you will like to give it a try this Wikipedia , unless you are one the guys who don't like others to have freedom of speed ......

njoy ...


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