Friday, August 1, 2008

LINUX .... better then Windows ???


Well ... this is for all people who use windows , just a comparison , because guys who use LINUX already know these all things ... :D

But first a little history !!! ....

During early 90's a guy from finland, named "Linus Torvalds" (also famous for his ultra popular old age pc game "PAC-MAN", if not heard about this game then U must be an alien from mars !!!), wrote a whole new code of a Operating System which is based on age old famous OS .. UNIX , during his M.Sc. study.... and designed very new system ... LINUX , and which X is adopted from uniX , and rest of his name !!! At that time I am sure that he never imagined that his OS will be so widely popular ... [:D] ... anyways ... the story goes on like this ... Later on GNU project was founded and this OS is registerd as GPL, in simple words , it was "open" for anyone, so anyone can get its "source-code", (FYI ...source-code is the main codeing of OS just like any programme that we code in any language).
Since its years have been passed and its open source , the LINUX that we see today contains only about 2% of his original code !!!! Well its because mainly due to make advancement with time. Linux is based on DEBIAN , an OS which is known for its strict adherence to "free software" philosophies.

The moral of story ....

As you people can see , its the screenshot of my OS, its linux , from UBUNTU (there are many linux "distributions" are availabe for free ,well some do chage for it like "red hat" !! UBUNTU is one of the most popular debian based distributor). Actually Ubuntu is an African word , which means "humanity towards others". And I guess, its basic idea about "free for all".
for My OS ,I have used here , cairo dock, a linux "avatar" of rocket dock for windows. Also you can see .. my borders are also got transparent same like windows vista its because of compiz fusio icon's emerald / beryl theme. Also it have almost same looking ICONs like windows.
well , this OS comes with plenty of softwares which supports GPL and hence all are "Free" to use without paying any properitory fees !!!! ( not in case for windows os, right ??? ), for example, open-office , microsoft office replacement for linux. Or, Pidgin messenger, a multi protocol supporting messenger ... errr in simple word your all-in-one messenger for yahoo!,AOL,MSN you name it and this messenger have it ... ( may be you guys know that ,all messengers use their OWN protocols). I edited this image is a software known as "GIMP", which is just same as photoshop.
There are plenty of other very usefull softwares and tools that , sometimes normal windows uses even can't imaging existance of that things. Like, during my studies of one subjected ,"Computer Networks" ,in which at one point i had to use the "trace route" to understand some sort of n/w behaviour , it took me lot time to find that feature in windows (but finally it was there !!) but in case of linux , its already here with other basic n/w analysis tools !!! I don't know,but personally I feel ,errr .... that internet is "little" faster then windows ...
With Linux, you never need to have an "anti-virus" !!!! Don't belive me ?? , but its a true fact .... also it has been said "hacker-safe" OS !!! .... i think its because in linux nothing is done automatically ??, means user must execute some command sequence to do "anything".
This OS works very well even on low end computers.
For people who don't know , it is the OS that is used to run on SERVERS, of all giant IT cos. like , IBM ,NOVELL ,ORACLE corporation ,HP ,DELL ,SUN systems. And its because , this OS is the most stable OS (means , very very very less happens to crash in operation unlike windows servers) and its ability to perform parallel processing. Even PS2 and PS3 uses it and now a days mobile cos. have started using it because of its portablity and efficiency.
Moreover, If you are interested in this OS, then these guys can send you free CD of their OS ,"Anywhere" in the world. Or, you can download it too ...

But here are the CONS ....

to use this system ,i think user must be having computer knowledge a little above average !!! , well its mainly because this OS is very different from windows. And hence its not "that" user friendly. Almost all the time you have to play with command lines so it makes things little complicated to newbies. To get look and feel of windows you need bunch of softwares need to be installed and "configured" properly ( hmm.. in windows all these s/w are installed automatically so we never need to worry about it. ). Hey, just like all OS , its "just" a bunch of codes, they will do exactly same as you will tell them to do , so here you have to do many things by "yourself" .... hmm... i mean , you have to guide it all the time ...

Well, this is it .... its just what i feel about Windows and Linux ....

Linux is my new love , i still use Windows Vista . But this new girl have taken my mind (errr.. heart !!!) ..... :d ... so i am sure gonna look after her more ...

i hope you all have liked this "little" piece of my evaluation about my new OS ...

njoy .....


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