Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Broswer Protection just for that FOX ..


hey all ...

i am sorry for not being on web for a while , bcoz of ...err .. studies ... anyways , the thing that i am talking about is a just a browser extension , "NO SCRIPT" ... well, it works just same its name ... it don't allow "any" script like , java script or flash or something like that which are now a days most common methods to infect system via browser (and very popular too !!! ) ...

It works very simple way ... it simply don't allow any script unless user allow it manually by selecting either temporarily allowing or by adding that site to safe list of that extension ... and like all other browser extension for firefox ... its cool and easy to handle and very very useful ... but it can be experince like , eating healthy food which is not so teasty ... ( err.... you have two choise , either get fat and die ... or be slim ... and then die !!! ,but you gonna die either ways ... ahh .. it was not point of disucussion here ... ) ... this extension has many other features to increase security from malicious scripts ..

so all i mean to say is , its one good extension to have for firefox ... it adds a little security from now a day common type of attack , attack via web script ...

njoy ....


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